Build patient trust in home healthcare with the right merchant service provider

Build patient trust in home healthcare with the right merchant service provider

By: Dave Galens
Posted: September 29, 2024

When you run your own home health company, earning and maintaining trust must be one of your first priorities. Even before you establish those vital hands-on relationships with the patients you serve, you need to assure individuals and their caregivers that your company is stable, honest and dependable. 

Believe it or not, establishing this bond starts with a premium merchant service provider who can help you to streamline your invoices.

How the right payment processing company can enhance your business

A first-class home health care payment provider will furnish you with the mobile card readers, payment processing software and invoice management tools you will need to transform making payments from risky to smooth and safe. 

In spite of the system’s numerous features, learning to use it is fast and easy. What’s more, a good processing provider will offer everything you need at an affordable price.

Mobile payments options

Patients and families are busy, and complex medical situations can leave them with little bandwidth to handle complicated payments. 

When they can resolve an invoice at home immediately after care has been provided, online at your website via a payment link or via your mobile app, their experience will be positive. For you as the provider, the chances of getting paid in time and in full will rise sharply.

Focus on security

When mobile and contactless transactions first came on the scene, people were reluctant to use them, worried that these wireless options would not carry the same data security safeguards found with a traditional credit card terminal. 

This worry grew stronger when it came to patients’ payments due to the sensitive nature of medical information.

The good news is that the modern home health care payment provider is committed to furnishing the highest standard of tokenization, encryption and anti-fraud systems and protocols to protect your patients’ details and remain in compliance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).

From the moment a contactless payment is initiated between your card reader and a patient’s smart card, mobile phone or wearable device, details are masked from intruders and identity thieves until the transaction is completed. 

The same data shields are also firmly in place for any funds transfers that occur via eCheck, recurring billing, payment links and even those conducted with you over the phone and entered by you by means of a virtual terminal.

Doing everything you can to maintain best payments practices for your health care business is just as important as your insistence on cleanliness, and your commitment to respect and patient dignity. 

One of the first and most vital steps is to partner with a merchant service provider with expertise in the healthcare industry. With them at your side, you can create the building blocks that will lead to long-term trust and a positive relationship with the patients and families you serve.