5 management tips to make every day feel like employee appreciation day.

5 management tips to make every day feel like employee appreciation day.

By: Jereme Sanborn
Posted: May 16, 2023

Any runner who has completed a major marathon will tell you how buoyed they were by the cheers and words of support that showered down on them from the bystanders along the course. When you are an entrepreneur with a staff hired to promote your company and its products, you should think of yourself and your employee management system as nothing less than that crowd of thousands of cheering spectators. Here are just a few of the most effective actions you can take to boost worker morale.

1. Keep your door open.

It may sound like a cliché, but people want and need to be heard — and heard by someone who actually cares. Your workers are on the front lines, and what they have to say matters not only because it is important to them but also because it can prove to be invaluable intelligence that you can use to make your company better.

To keep those lines of communication open, be sure that people know how to get in touch with you. Set predictable times when appointments can be made, and respond promptly to voice and email messages. If your staff is large, consider hiring a human resources specialist or another manager.

2. Reward success and address areas of need.

Your point of sale solution’s employee management system contains customizable reporting tools. These can separate out individual workers, indicating where they are doing well and where they may need additional support. Deal with both in a transparent way: Be genuine in recognizing and thanking a worker for a job well-done, and provide additional training if they are falling short.

3. Promote a work- and fun-friendly environment.

You don’t want any workers to eventually leave because they are bored, frustrated, or under-utilized.

Of course, you need to stress the importance of customer service and productivity for both yourself and your staff. That being said, however, you should also build in regular times for fun, relaxation and team-building. You might not have the resources to fly everyone to an island for a bonding weekend, but most companies have the wherewithal to host a pizza and karaoke party once per month.

4. Stimulate the spirit of healthy competition.

What better way to thrive and boost your staff’s spirits than to come up with a fun contest? Make the pot sweet with an attractive gift certificate or cash prize, and keep everyone’s interest high with regular updates and posted standings. Not only will someone’s hard work be rewarded, but everyone else will get into the spirit while simultaneously providing enhanced service and product information to your customers.

5. Recognize success by promoting from within.

The majority of people do not want to trudge along in the same job for decades. Instead, they want their accomplishments to be recognized in the form of pay raises and promotions.

Whenever a position becomes available in your organization, always first look at the valuable resources you already have on staff to see if there are any skills and talents that are being under-utilized. Then advise workers to apply for these opportunities. Additionally, you are doing both yourself and your workers a service when you encourage them to obtain additional education and certifications. In the end, this leads to people who actually want to stay in your organization and continue to contribute to its success.

Each and every one of your workers is crucial to your company’s vitality. When you actively communicate your commitment to their well-being and success, you will simultaneously enhance your business. In the end, that is the best way to run any marathon.