4 tips on how to transition your business into the digital world.

4 tips on how to transition your business into the digital world.

By: Jereme Sanborn
Posted: September 30, 2020

For most businesses in this modern and digitized era, establishing a digital presence is not optional, but essential for the sustainability of your business. No matter how good your products or services are, consumers likely won’t even find your website unless you have a sound digital strategy in place. There are so many brick-and-mortar businesses around the world that did not adapt to the digital world and as a result, failed to survive.

Although it is essential to expand your business in the digital space, the process is not simple or without risk. While the first thing that comes into mind after hearing the word “digital” is technology, it is actually not the only thing to consider transitioning your business to the digital world. You must also consider your organization’s business strategy and culture to realize your full potential as an ecommerce business.

1. Make a business strategy.

Before getting inside a vehicle and starting a journey, you first need to know where you’re going. Similarly, the first step to transition into the digital world is to make a business strategy. Find out exactly which portion of the market you want to tap into and who your audience is. Next, decide which areas of your business you would like to digitize? Would you digitize gradually or at once? Go through your business strategy and decide the goals which you aim to achieve throughout your digital transition.

2. Find a payments partner.

The next step would be deciding the set of tools that best suit your strategy and goals. Look for a merchant services provider to help you set up a smooth online credit card acceptance experience. Once you find the right partner, you can focus on innovation and adaptability.

3. Communicate with your employees.

Businesses are run by people. If a business is moving online, then the individuals working for the business must do the same as well. Your employees must adapt to the changes necessary for transitioning into the digital world.

Many employees fear that they might lose their jobs because of technology and as a result, fail to perform as per your new digital strategy. So be sure to communicate with your employees throughout the process to assure them/inform them of your intentions. Some businesses prefer to hire fresh resources and professionals who have sound knowledge of new technologies, and in return, expect increased efficiency. The truth is, even the best technology could fail to produce expected results if the associated people do not have significant knowledge of day-to-day operations.

The best way to avoid this is to keep communicating with your employees and encourage them to embrace the changes as a necessary enhancement to your business. Make sure they have the right tools and working environment to meet your strategy and goals. Share your expectations with them and invest in their training so the investment which you have made in technology brings the expected results for your business.

4. Engage with customers.

Last, but not least, customer experience and satisfaction is the key to almost any successful business. Your digital presence might not return significant results if your customers aren’t happy. It is important to engage with your customers, find out their needs, collect their feedback, and know their priorities. Never implement sudden or overnight changes without thorough communication with your customers. Make gradual changes and let the customers share their opinions after each change or upgrade. Be mindful of your response time as it plays a great role in customer satisfaction.

Focusing on these three elements and choosing the right technology and tools will help your business make the transition to ecommerce a seamless one. Remember, while there are a lot of digital tools out there, without the correct strategy, they won’t help you achieve the results you’re looking for.